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World Environment Day: Pakistan hosting this occasion
Islamabad, 05 June 2021, ASFE World TV
World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated annually on 5 June. Pakistan is hosting World Environment Day in partnership with the United Nations Environment Programme today.
This year’s observance of day will be on the theme of “ecosystem restoration” and focus on resetting our relation with nature.
The day will be celebrated across the world through various events and activities, in line with latest Covid-19 regulations.
As host of World Environment Day, Pakistan will highlight environmental issues and showcase the country’s own initiatives and its role in global efforts.
Ecosystem restoration
Ecosystem restoration means halting, preventing and reversing this damage – to go from exploiting nature to healing it.
This World Environment Day will kick off the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), a global mission to revive billions of hectares, from forests to farmlands, from the top of mountains to the depth of the sea.
Only with healthy ecosystems can we enhance people’s livelihoods, counteract climate change and stop the collapse of biodiversity.
Investing in ecosystems is investing in our future
World Environment Day 2021, which counts with Pakistan as the host country this year for its official celebrations, calls for urgent action to revive our damaged ecosystems.
From forests to peatlands to coasts, we all depend on healthy ecosystems for our survival. Ecosystems are defined as the interaction between living organisms – plants, animals, people – with their surroundings. This includes nature, but also human-made systems such as cities or farms.
Ecosystem restoration is a global undertaking at massive scale. It means repairing billions of hectares of land – an area greater than China or the USA – so that people have access to food, clean water and jobs.
It means bringing back plants and animals from the brink of extinction, from the peaks of mountains to the depths of the sea.
But it also includes the many small actions everyone can take, every day: growing trees, greening our cities, rewilding our gardens or cleaning up trash alongside rivers and coasts.
Restoring ecosystems carries substantial benefits for people. For every dollar invested in restoration, at least seven to thirty dollars in returns for society can be expected. Restoration also creates jobs in rural areas where they are most needed.
Prime Minister Imran Khan Tweet
Led by Prime Minister Imran Khan, Pakistan is fully committed to playing a leadership role in addressing the issue of climate change through various projects and initiatives.
Pakistan has urged the world to join hands to protect environment and reset relationship with Nature.
In a tweet on Saturday, Prime Minister Imran Khan said the government is fully committed to play a leadership role in restoration of the ecosystem.
The Prime Minister said our efforts have also been acknowledged globally.