Kuwait allows stranded expat students to appear in exams

 Kuwait allows stranded expat students to appear in exams

Kuwait has allowed stranded expat students to appear in exams

KUWAIT, 25 June: Kuwait has allowed stranded expat students to return to the country and appear for their in-person exams.

The decision applies to students who are in grade 12 and are required to sit in for their second round of exams.

The Ministry of Education is coordinating with the Ministry of Interior and Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to falicitate the return of stranded students by July 4, local media reported.

A month ago, the Ministry of Education requested that the government allow students stranded abroad so that they can take the exams in person.

Then on June 7, the COVID-19 emergency committee at the Ministry of Health held a meeting where they reviewed the specifics of the request.

There has been a public debate for the past month over in-person exams for students. Several students and parents argued that it is unsafe for children to sit for in-person exams amidst a health crisis.

Both private schools and public schools sat in for in-person exams, with which school dictating which grade is required to take the test in person.

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Education said that more than 10,000 students did not attend the in-person exams.

Read more: Falsehood: Human diagrams won’t be covered in Pakistani biology textbooks

Pakistan will not be covering human diagrams in biology textbooks of the Single National Curriculum with “appropriate” clothes to “protect their modesty”.

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Federal Education tweeted that a concerted campaign has been started by “vested interests” to discredit efforts made by the government to devise a single national curriculum for all schools in Pakistan.

Web Desk

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